My Story

For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed taking photos. Photos of everything. Looking back through those photos always transported me back to each specific moment and brought back the joy I felt in those times. Photos gave me a special connection to the best days of my past.

When I was gifted my first camera I vowed to learn how to use it well to capture the beauty all around me. Since that day, I have not gone a single day without using my camera. Photography has given me a passion I did not know I was missing in life. I want to share my passion with those around me and those I have yet to meet. I want to share it with everyone.

Meet Your Photographer

Amber and Richie

“I highly recommend Hollie’s impressive photography skills! We did a photo shoot of my dog out in nature, and she she got shot after shot of absolutely stunning pictures. She was a pleasure to work with, very personable and has an eye for beautiful photo moments that will be cherished forever.”

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